The Silent Thief is a psychological thriller that examines familial bonds, the human need to belong and the thin line between sanity and insanity. Brennan Marley is an outcast drifter who threatens to destroy a family's unity by displacing their biological son, Mike Henderson, while he is away at college. Hungry for acceptance and exceptionally cunning, Brennan becomes a boarder at the Henderson family's beach home under false pretenses. Claiming that he is an orphan from England, Brennan uses his manipulative prowess to ingratiate himself with each member of the Henderson family before Mike returns home from college for Christmas vacation. As Brennan's tactics become increasingly pernicious, psyches are driven to the breaking point, long buried family secrets are revealed and violence ensues.
Ficha Técnica
Titulo Original: The Silent Thief
Gênero: Thriller
Ano de Lançamento: 2012
Tempo de Duração: 104 minutos
País de Origem: USA
Director: Jennifer Clary
IMDB: 6.2
Idioma: Inglês
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